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Full house during the 51st premiere of the Reading theatre

„Beyond Therapy” opened the 11th season of Reading theatre for people with poor eyesight and blind in Powszechny Theatre. The house was more than full when we presented the play by Christopher Durang on our Small Stage. „Beyond Therapy” tells about loneliness of a modern man and about his need to find somebody to love. You can ask a psychotherapist for help but what happens when the therapist has his own problems and he also needs help?...

After the spectacle director Ewa Pilawska thanked Teresa Wrzesińska, former president of the Łódź branch of Polish Union of the Blind. It was thanks to her that the first preview of the Reading theatre took place 11 years ago. Ms Wrzesińska stressed that the idea of the Reading theatre has been very important for the blind who cannot fully participate in traditional spectacles. She added they have been looking forward to new shows in Powszechny Theatre.

Since 2005 Powszechny Theatre in Łódź has produced 51 spectacles in the Reading theatre for people with poor eyesight and blind project. All of them were directed on a voluntary basis by the project’s creator, Ms Ewa Pilawska.

Christopher Durang
„Beyond Therapy”
Translated by: Rubi Birden
Directed by: Ewa Pilawska
Cast: Monika Kępka, Karolina Krawczyńska, Jarosław Dziedzic, Filip Jacak, Grzegorz Otrębski, Arkadiusz Wójcik

Beyond Therapy” opened the 11th season of Reading theatre for people with poor eyesight and blind in Powszechny Theatre. The house was more than full when we presented the play by Christopher Durang on our Small Stage. „Beyond Therapy” tells about loneliness of a modern man and about his need to find somebody to love. You can ask a psychotherapist for help but what happens when the therapist has his own problems and he also needs help?...


After the spectacle director Ewa Pilawska thanked Teresa Wrzesińska, former president of the Łódź branch of Polish Union of the Blind. It was thanks to her that the first preview of the Reading theatre took place 11 years ago. Ms Wrzesińska stressed that the idea of the Reading theatre has been very important for the blind who cannot fully participate in traditional spectacles. She added they have been looking forward to new shows in Powszechny Theatre.


Since 2005 Powszechny Theatre in Łódź has produced 51 spectacles in the Reading theatre for people with poor eyesight and blind project. All of them were directed on a voluntary basis by the project’s creator, Ms Ewa Pilawska.


Christopher Durang

Beyond Therapy”

Translated by: Rubi Birden

Directed by: Ewa Pilawska

Cast: Monika Kępka, Karolina Krawczyńska, Jarosław Dziedzic, Filip Jacak, Grzegorz Otrębski, Arkadiusz Wójcik