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„Heaven Eyes” – a journey into the world of imagination

This was the 44th preview of the Reading Theatre for people with poor eyesight and blind. On 20 May on our Small Stage we presented “Heaven Eyes”, as usually directed by Ewa Pilawska on a voluntary basis.



Heaven Eyes” tells a story of young people who decide to run away from their orphanage. They lost their mother. They feel lonely, they are looking for happiness and love. They build a raft to float away down the river to change their lives. The journey and their escape become a symbolic break-up with their past and a trial reach a happier land. Their journey through darkness, marshes and fog leads them to an ethereal ghost land. They meet a lost girl and her grandfather there. Everything is set on the verge of imagination and the real world and the distinction is becoming increasingly blurred.



David Almond’s play may be received on many levels. On the one hand may be understood literally, on the other hand – intuitively and metaphorically. The atmosphere is as important as the plot. On the one hand the spectacle carries the main characters’ message – about the need of love, longing for the mother, family and the feeling of security. On the other hand the spectator – just like the characters – wanders in the mist of meanings, in the atmosphere of insecurity, anxiety, and he is lost somewhere between terror and happiness. However, the spectacle first of all indicates that imagination and friendship can beat the worst monsters and fear that hide within ourselves.



Thank you for your visit!



David Almond
“Heaven Eyes”
Translated by: Elżbieta Woźniak
Directed by: Ewa Pilawska
Cast: Marta Jarczewska, Małgorzata Goździk, Jakub Firewicz, Andrzej Jakubas, Patryk Palusiński, Arkadiusz Wójcik