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„Measure For Measure” produced by Powszechny Theatre and directed by Paweł Szkotak is the winner of the audience plebiscite for the Best Łódź Theatre Preview of 2015/2016 season.


There were many candidates nominated for the award in the plebiscite organized by the news and culture portal „Łódź jest kulturą” („Łódź Is Culture”) – performances produced by Arlekin Puppet Theatre, The Kazimierz Dejmek Nowy Theatre in Łódź, The Stefan Jaracz Theatre in Łódź, Music Theatre in Łódź, Studyjny Theatre in Łódź, Grand Opera Theatre in Łódź, Pinokio Theatre in Łódź. The play by William Shakespeare premiered during the 22nd edition of International Festival of Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant. In October it was awarded by the Łódź theatre critics with Golden Mask for the music by Krzysztof Nowikow.