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The results of the Audience Plebiscite

The competition part of the XXI International Festival of Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant in which the audience could cast their votes on the best actor, best actress and best performance has just come to an end. The condition of an artist was the leitmotiv of this year's edition of the Festival. Who is a contemporary artist? Who can become an artist today? Does the artist need a recipient? These are some of the questions that were discussed during the Festival. - I believe my questions accompanied our spectators not only during the shows and discussions but during visits to the exhibition or art installation in Manufaktura centre as well – said Ewa Pilawska, the art director of the Festival.

There were eight performances that took part in the competition: Forefathers' Eve (directed by Radosław Rychcik, produced by New Theatre in Poznań), The School for Wives (directed by Janusz Wiśniewski, produced by Powszechny Theatre in Łódź), Funny Darkness (directed by Dušan David Pařízek, produced by Burgtheater in Vienna), The road of slippery grass. Of the devil who walked through the village (directed by Katarzyna Dworak and Paweł Wolak, produced by Modjeska Theatre in Legnica), Chopin Without Piano (directed by Michał Zadara, produced by Centrala in Warsaw), Machia (directed by Juliusz Machulski, produced by Old Theatre in Lublin, Broniewski (directed by Adam Orzechowski, produced by Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk) and The Exhausted (directed by Claude Bardouil, produced by New Theatre in Warsaw).

Here are the results of the Audience Plebiscite:

The Best Actress: Catrin Striebeck, Stefanie Reinsperger, Dorothee Hartinger, Frida-Lovis Hamann – the whole cast of “Funny Darkness”, directed by Dušan David Pařízek, produced by Burgtheater in Vienna



The Best Actor: Robert Ninkiewicz for the role of Broniewski (the old) in “Broniewski”, directed by Adam Orzechowski, produced by Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk



The Best Performance: “Broniewski”, directed by Adam Orzechowski, produced by Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk



The spectacles Woodcutters and Proof of Another's Existence were the master performances. And so is Song factory – its first pre-view is planned for 11 April. The spectacle is meant to be a special tie between the Festival and the 70th anniversary of Powszechny Theatre in Łódź.