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Yoga in Theatre

On 18 January we inaugurated our now project in Powszechny Theatre – “Yoga in Theatre”. The spectators who bought tickets for any of our shows could take part in a series of meetings that would take place on our Small Stage every second week until May.

The meetings are run by purna yoga teacher and actress Monika Dąbrowska. She says that yoga and theatre have very much in common. When a spectator comes to the theatre he expects a good amusement that relaxes him, giving him inspiration for reflections, motivation for changes, knowledge of the unknown. Yoga student can experience the same when he is on the mats – the difference lies in the fact that experiences on the mats are very private and the knowledge is only on the part of the experienced.

Thank you for coming and we invite you to the following meeting on 1 February at 11:30.