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Box Office

Box Office of Powszechny Theatre in Łódź
21 Legionów Street
01-069 Łódź

Open Tuesday – Friday from od 9.00 AM to 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday from 1.00 PM to 7.00 PM

Ticket booking:
by phone:
(42) 633 25 39 ext. 314, (42) 633 50 36
by mail: 

Tickets should be collected on a fixed date.
Tickets can be returned only with the fiscal receipt: up to 5 tickets – no later than 3 days before the performance, more than 5 tickets – no later than 14 days before the performance.
Reduced tickets are available to school students (all kinds of schools), university students, the retired, the pensioners and the Polish Army soldiers.

Tickets are also available online and at the ticket machine at the Galeria Łódzka mall (level -1 close to EMPiK store). At the machine you can buy tickets for all Powszechny Theatre spectacles as well as the International Festival of Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant. The machine accepts cards only.