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Long queues for "The Maid" for 350 pennies

The queue formed early in the morning, so all tickets for „The Maid” for 350 pennies sold out in an hour. Today (12 May, 2019) we celebrate the Public Theatre Day for the fifth time and Powszechny Theatre has taken part in it since the very beginning. The idea of that day is that public theatres in Poland give performances and the tickets’ prices are symbolic. We would like to thank Coffee Institute and Coffee Runner who prepared a free cup of coffee on that day . Thank you for being with us today and see you during tonight show!

The Public Theatre Day is celebrated for the fifth time. The idea was born in 2015 as public theatre in Poland celebrated its 250th anniversary. The action appeared to be one of the most important events and it proved to be a huge success. The houses of 100 Polish theatres were full – total audience amounted to almost 50 thousand spectators and among them were people who very seldom came to the theatre. This enthusiasm has not disappeared at all.

„The Maid” is presented on the Public Theatre Day within the project „Theatre tickets for 350 pennies”. The event is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and coordinated by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute.