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Little Pony

Paco Bezerra
„Little Pony”
Translated by Maciej Krysz and Michał Kurkowski
Directed by Adam Orzechowski
Set design: Magdalena Gajewska
Music: Marcin Nenko
Director’s assistant: Arkadiusz Wójcik
Cast: Monika Kępka, Artur Zawadzki

A play by Paco Bezerra, directed by Adam Orzechowski, is a story based on true events that shows that our everyday life is more and more often defined by aggression.

The story is based on events that happened a few years ago. It was in 2014 when 11-year-old Michael Marones of North Caroline tried to commit suicide because he could no longer stand the insults and violence from his classmates. As a result of the suicide attempt and after several minutes of lack of oxygen, Micheael’s brain was permanently damaged and the boy has been in persistent  vegetative state since then. What was the reason of violence he had been a subject of? Just the fact that Michael was a fan of the animated series “My Little Pony”.


Paco Bezerra dedicated his play not only to Michael Morones but to “all boys and girls who fell victim to insults and violence, with no one around them who could prevent it”. – This shocking story is a pretext to talk about violence we face everyday and violence we inflict everyday. As a matter of fact “Little Pony” is a metaphor of modern world and modern society which aggression becomes a more and more important part of – says Ewa Pilawska, the Powszechny Theatre director.


50 zloties, reduced: 40 zloties


70 minutes

When we play