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Matinées in Powszechny Theatre

In October we will start a new project that is prepared specially for our youngest spectators. Matinées in Powszechny means spectacles combined with art and theatre workshops. The project is dedicated to children aged 6 to 10. Its aim is to stimulate the participants‘ imagination through art games connected with theatre. Simple plastic materials such as coloured ribbons, paper, baloons, paints and feathers are used during workshops. The programme gives us the idea of how many surprises there are in a world that surrounds us.


The workshops will take place after every performance of „My Dad’s a Birdman“ and „Mr A‘ Amazing Maze Plays“. More details about the project are available on our website.

If you want to take place in the workshops call 42 633 25 39 ext. 317 (Monday through Friday, from 8 A.M. till 4 P.M.) or send an email to: