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"I Wanted To Be" the best spectacle of 2021!

Thanks to the votes of the viewers in the 2021 Plastry Kultury Plebiscite, the Powszechny Theatre's play "I Wanted To Be" (writtrn and directed by Michał Siegoczyński) won as the Play of the 2021. It received 39% of the votes.

The performances also nominated in the "Theatre" category:

"1968 // run, baby, run" (the Kazimierz Dejmek Nowy Theatre in Łódź)
"I Wanted To Be" (Powszechny Theatre in Łódź)
"The Maids of Wilko. Rapsod"(the Stefan Jaracz Theatre in Łódź)
"Pretty Woman" (Musical Theatre in Łódź). Thank you!

Thank you for your votes and congratulations to all the nominees and all laureates! Plastry Kultury is one of the most important cultural plebiscites in Łódź, the winners have been chosen every year since 2013. So far, we have had the honour of receiving Plastry Kultury many times in several categories - for "The Play of the year", "Cult place" or "Theatrical event of the year". In the latter category, after annual victories, the International Festival of Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant received the Mega Plaster Kultury, "a special award granted to those who are great and have a great prize."

The play "I Wanted To Be" will be presented again on the Powszechny Theatre's Big Stage in May.