Zmień rozmiar czcionki

Zmień kontrast


I Wanted To Be

Powszechny Theatre in Łódź


“I Wanted To Be”
By Michał Siegoczyński
Script and direction: Michał Siegoczyński
Stage design and costumes: Katarzyna Sankowska
Stage designer’s assistant: Anna Drobczyk
Music: Piotr Mania
Choreography: Alisa Makarenko
Multimedia presentation: Natalia Mentkowska
Cameras: Ewa Borowska/Paula Wilczyńska
Guitar recordings: Przemysław Hanaj
Dramaturgy consultant: Patryk Warchoł
Cast: Mariusz Ostrowski, Karolina Krawczyńska, Diana Krupa, Karolina Łukaszewicz, Paulina Nadel, Ewa Sonnenburg, Filip Jacak, Jakub Kotyński, Artur Majewski

-We are inspired by Krzysztof Krawczyk, a pop-icon of Polish music and culture, in order to touch a paradox of being a star. The show-business stars function as mythological figures separated from reality. Success and popularity deprive them of human features though in everyday life they are normal people with problems that anyone else has. What I am most interested in is this divergence between stage image and a normal, everyday life – says Michał Siegoczyński, the author and director of “I Wanted To Be”.

The life of Krzysztof Krawczyk is a history of ups and downs, of great popularity in Poland and a lack of popularity during his stay in the United States. Krawczyk was a phenomenon, a creator that could not be pigeon-holed. In Poland he was known and popular not only as a singer, a performer of many great hits, but also as an artist whose music fascinated such creators as Andrzej Smolik and Goran Bregovic. On the other hand his personal history is a sequence of different disappointments and tragedies that do not fit to the image of a pop-culture icon. And it is also a complete trending away from religion that later on changed into a deep faith in God and it played so important role in his life – adds Michał Siegoczyński.


With English subtitles


1st places (rows 1-14): 85 zloties, reduced: 75 zloties;
2nd places (rows 15-21, balcony): 75 zloties, reduced: 65 zloties;

When we play