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For All Life

„For All Life”
based on a film „Per tutta la vita” by Paolo Costella
Translated by Maria Trzoch
Adaptation, direction and music arragement: Wojciech Malajkat
Stage design and costumes: Wojciech Stefaniak
Cast: Aleksandra Bogulewska, Małgorzata Goździk, Marta Jarczewska, Barbara Lauks, Karolina Łukaszewicz, Paulina Nadel, Ewa Sonnenburg, Marta Maria Wiśniewska, Magda Zając, Andrzej Jakubas, Sebastian Jasnoch, Jakub Kryształ, Michał Lacheta/Kamil Suszczyk, Jakub Wieczorek, Jan Wojciech Poradowski

„For All Life” is a story of four couples who discover that their marriages are no longer valid because they were all celebrated by a man who not a real priest. The couples have to decide what to do next – are the going to say „yes” again or will they try to run away from their marriages and begin their lives from the beginning?

The play puts questions on the nature of our relations, it puts questions on our hypocrisy and selfishness. It is a comedy which does not look a for a real laughter but rather for a deeper thought on our condition.


When we play