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Director: Krystyna Meissner

Set design: Łukasz Błażejewski

Costumes: Wanda Kowalska

Choreography: Mikołaj Mikołajczyk

Director’s assistant: Alicja Stasiak

Cast: Irmina Babińska, Kinga Zabokrzycka, Katarzyna Grabowska, Bolesław Abart, Damian Kulec, Artur Zawadzki;

The play Release carp written by Piotr Bulak is an ironic insight on relations between a family of three generations. These relations are ridiculously filled with hypocrisy and lies. And although the specific leitmotif of the play is one of the biggest hits by The Beatles All you need is love – love is what lacks the play’s characters. They destroy each other, they are in fact unhappy and painfully lonely. Despite all that Release carp is a comedy and language skills of the author are its undoubted advantage. Bulak not only creates incredible language constructions that ridicule the people who use them but he is also a merciless mocker of banality and stereotypes. The play follows this trail, exposing the hypocrisy of interpersonal arrangements. It deconstructs the myth of the family and shows the truth about relationships.


35 zloties, reduced 25 zloties

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